
Engineer Plan Set Intake Form

PV Equipment Information

Electrical Connection Information

Roof Information
Roof 1
Roof 2
Roof 3
Slope (ex. 5:12 or 23°)
Azimuth (ex. South or 180°)
Lowest point above ground
Highest point above ground
Truss or Rafter
Spacing (ex. 24” OC)
Dimensions (ex. 2x4)
Orientation (horz, vert, both)
Number of Stories
Overall roof dimensions
Required Sketches:
  1. Draw entire roof number roof sections 1, 2, 3, …
  2. Show locations and dimensions of all roof penetrations and objects such as vents, plumbing stacks, and skylights.
  3. Show location of MDP, Meter, Inverter location, Water Heater.

Required Photos :
  1. Roof surfaces where PV will be installed, Roof trusses inside attic.
  2. Location of meter, MDP, Sub Panels. Take one broad photo from at least 10 feet away from existing equipment and at least one close up photo showing main breaker rating, nameplates or labels. Remove covers from all electrical panels and disconnects and take pictures of wiring and terminations.
  3. Any nearby objects such as trees or other structures that may cast a shadow at any time during the year. Note the approximate height of these objects.
  4. Existing water heater and pool pump (if customer will receive these).
  5. All sides of the building from at least 20 feet away or as far as possible.
Solar DHW System
Solar Attic Fan
Solar Pool Heat System